San Francisco-based software firm Tibco was looking for something different. They needed to break through the clutter of pitches their customers – mainly architectural firms - are deluged with and make their services stand out from the pack. They hired the Cincinnati team of Big Fat Brain with the marching orders: BE DIFFERENT.

So when the creatives at BFB met the IT types at Tibco, the result was “Greg the Architect,” a video concept available on You Tube that actually manages to make the world of architectural software hilarious. With four episodes online, and more promised, Greg the Architect appears to be developing a bit of a following in some circles. With Greg the Architect, the brains at BFB succeeded in breaking through the clutter to develop something that’s getting attention, including a recent American Business Award for creativity.
The leading mind at BFB is Troy Hitch, who was director of interactive at a mid-sized advertising agency in Cincinnati, but didn’t think he was making full use of his talents and interests there. With a background in theater as an actor and director, and in music, there was a strong creative side to him that his day job wasn’t satisfying. His answer was to start Big Fat Brain, an agency that creates original content for the Web that aims to make the interactive experience richer, more creative and more entertaining for clients and consumer brands. “It can be a real boon for brands that are trying to do something different,” Hitch said.
BFB has also created My Damn Channel, a new media platform created to empower artists to co-produce, distribute and earn money from original video content.
And Hitch has found a way to merge his interests in interactive with acting. Check out the firm’s site and you’ll find him in the starring role.
Writer: David Holthaus
Photography: Scott Beseler
Troy Hitch and Matt Bledsoe